Steve Rooms

Qualified Accountant & Investor


Prepare For Sale

Preparing Your Business For Sale

Selling your business is not something that can be done on the spur of the moment, not if you want to get the best deal possible for you and your family

How I Help You To Prepare Your Business For Sale

Business Valuation

The starting point ahead of any sale is to understand where your business is currently at and how much it is worth. 

My free business valuation tool not only calculates how much you expect to sell for today but it also provides you with a free report explaining what you can do to improve that valuation too
Free Valuation

Systems Review

One key area where sellers of a business let themselves down is by not ensuring that their businesses systems & processes are as good as they should be.

I will review your systems and processes and work with you to improve them where necessary to make them more attractive to any potential buyer

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Process Documentation

Have you documented all of your systems and procedures?

Is it clear to a new person coming into the business how you do things and why?

This is another key area that needs to be in place to ensure that you make your business as attractive as possible to a buyer
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Preparing Financials

I have spoke many times with sellers who cannot easily put their hands on their latest financials; how will this look to a potential buyer?

Having bought and sold a number of businesses I know exactly which reports need to be readily available and I will help you to put everything in place
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Data Room & IM

Once all your system, process and financials are in good shape only then you can think about preparing a data room and an IM (information Memorandum).

Prepare these ahead of putting the business up for sale and the sale process will run a lot smoother at a lower cost to you. This is something that I have helped clients to prepare man times
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Introductions to Buyers

Everything is now ready. All documents, reports, the data room and the IM. 

Now we can start to (confidentially) approach potential buyers.

I have a network of over 13,000 buyers worldwide across every business sector. I will introduce to suitable buyers and set the wheels in motion to sell your business for you.
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